
This weeks Mind n Body reflections are about exercise. The meaning of exercise is different for everyone. For some people it will relate to a running programme for preparation of a marathon, regular visits to the gym for a weight training session, swimming with a friend once a week, cycling to work, or simply walking to the shops instead of driving. According to the “Free on Line Directory” exercise is; to subject to practice or exertion in order to train, strengthen, or develop”. Any exercise that strengthens or develops us from our starting point can be viewed as exercise; a benefit to the body. Finding the right type of exercise is a base line. When assessing new client’s goals I generally find they have not been reaching them because they are attempting to stick to exercises that they don’t like. A successful exercise programme must have personalised goals that work for you and fit comfortably in your lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is for life and has to be one that is enjoyable (or becomes enjoyable as the benefits are seen).

True weight loss and a fitter body develop from a regular pattern. All good qualities within our life come from a discipline of application which stems from a choice to want to cultivate and persevere at making something a way of being that is natural, without effort. Any desired quality like this takes time and persistence. Giving up is not an option. It’s normal to have good and bad days but view these as a round lost but not the fight! This way, throwing the towel in is not a choice, but continuing until you reach your goals is. Linking with like minded people is a great way to harness enthusiasm and motivation.

Joining classes, clubs or working with a personal trainer or coach will support you until you breakthrough to the “benefits” stage. Once you reach this point it all becomes easier!

Check your goals; your reason for wanting a fitter and healthier body, find out what type of exercise suits your likes, dislikes and lifestyle commitments and begin designing your exercise programme. Any increase of activity is good, no matter how large or small a change. For most people attainable, short to medium term goals are better. Adjust it once you reach it and so on. Break your long term goal into smaller sections and enjoy reaching each one. Further personalised 1 to 1 phone coaching information is available on the website.

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