7 Ways to Remain Motivated

Seven Ways to Remain Motivated

1. Focus on your goal - List the reasons for your goal and refresh yourself each day until it’s naturally at the forefront of your mind. Being mindful of the reasons for wanting to lose weight will help you to make smart food choices.

2. Negativity – Stay on top of negative self talk and weed out your lies that fool you into giving up. Take time each day to reflect on your self talk.

3. Procrastination – Do it now not tomorrow or next week. If you catch yourself putting it off, you know you are procrastinating! Act now if you mean it!

4. Distractions – Don’t lose your focus and fall out of ‘the zone’. Don’t slacken off and justify it.

5. Positive self talk – Surround and feed yourself with positive people and resources. Take time each day to remain in-tune with your internal talk and check you are upbeat and positive. Negative thoughts lead to negative feelings which will lead to negative actions.

6. Have a plan in place at all times – Without a plan you do not have a direction towards your goal. Plan your reflection, exercise and food for each day of the week.

7. There will always be hurdles to get over in order to reach your goals. Apart from all of the above, illness and unforeseen circumstances can occur. Only perseverance will get you beyond this point. Like motivation, perseverance is a skill in itself to be mastered. Never give up. Learn to overcome your obstacles and gain strength and understanding from each one.

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily.” Zig Zaglar

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